Exam Preparation

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Dear Examiner!

Our language school offers a range of preparation options for those who want to take the Euroexam exam.

Our popular courses are the turbo courses, which are one- or two-week long intensive preparatory courses.

The two-week course is recommended for those who want to practise all four skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) in depth and with a variety of tasks.

During the one-week course, we focus only and exclusively on the exam tasks.

You will also have the opportunity to take a speaking mock exam on the last day of both courses.

One-week turbo course Two-week turbo course
B2 C1 B2 C1
Date and time 17 - 21 February 17 - 21 February 10 - 21 February 10 - 21 February
Number of hours 20 20 40 40
Fee 42 500 Ft 42 500 Ft 85 000 Ft 85 000 Ft
Time 17:00-20:15 17:00-20:15
Participants min. 4 persons
Location Shetland Language School or Kispest Deák Ferenc High School

In addition, we offer personal consultations, whether you are interested in an individual or a paired exam.

During the consultation, you will have the opportunity to discuss two pre-prepared written exercises with the teacher, there will also be a speakingmock exam and any questions or uncertainties you have will be clarified.

Personal consultation (individual or in pair)

Date and time by individual arrangement
Number of hours 2x45 min
Fee 15 000 HUF/person
Location online or Shetland Language School

Our teachers have many years of experience as trainers and/or examiners.

We look forward to your application!
Contact us here:

Tel: (+36 1) 357 1456; Mobile: (+36 30) 514 8284


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