Orosz 2023

Válaszd ki a helyes megoldást a lehetséges válaszok közül!

Студенты не всегда скучают ________ .


Родители Маши гордятся __________.


Несмотря на __________, студенты поехали в горы кататься на лыжах.


Я вышла замуж в марте __________.


Этому молодому человеку компьютерные игры важнее _________?


Вчера мы встречали __________ в аэропорту.


Жених купил невесте два __________.


Мой сын должен __________ этот экзамен на пятёрку, чтобы получить стипендию.


По дороге домой я __________ к парикмахеру.


__________ деньги в карман.


Врач __________ больного за руку в кабинет.


Раньше моя мама __________ экскурсии по городу.


Они часто опаздывают __________.


Остановка автобуса вон там, __________ гостиницы «Астория».


Завтра я принесу тебе то, __________ обещал.


Сюда мы __________ на маршрутном такси.


Смотри, не __________ паспорт.


Учебный год начинается __________ сентября.


Моя дочь уже шесть лет учится __________.


Он готовился к экзамену __________.


Он попал в трудную ситуацию и ему __________ обратиться.


Его было __________ спрашивать.


Мне подарили билет __________ в Мариинский театр.


Позвони мне, __________ узнаешь, когда она приедет.


Ну, вот, мы не успели взять деньги, __________ в субботу банки работают до часу.


Убери, пожалуйста, грязную посуду ________.


Сегодня мой муж ________ дочь из школы. Он на машине.


Эта церковь была построена ещё ________.


Он уехал в командировку и вернётся ________.


Фигуристы, ___________ мы будем болеть на Олимпиаде, уже знамениты.


Родители подарили нам котят, чтобы мы учились ухаживать ______.


Я поругалась _________, и вот уже целую неделю мы не разговариваем.


Я пошёл _________ навстречу.


Поезда ходят точно _________ расписанию.


Профессор закончил учебник, _________ которым он долго работал.


Она мать _________ красивых детей.


Учитель, _________ всеми, вышел на пенсию.


_________, мальчик пошёл в школу.


Я видел фотографию портрета, _________ этим художником


_________, что шёл дождь, ярмарка не состоялась.

Írja be a téglalapokba a hiányzó szavakhoz tartozó számot!

1 - необходимо / 2-хранит / 3 - когда-то / 4 - в век / 5 - также / 6 - ничто / 7 - к /  8 - такого / 9 - из, 10-с ними
У каждого из нас были любимые игрушки. Пожалуй, у каждого человека есть связанные светлые и нежные воспоминания, которые он бережно в своём сердце. Любимая игрушка – это самое яркое воспоминание детства каждого человека.
Но компьютерных технологий реальные игрушки уже не привлекают к себе  внимания, как виртуальные, но, несмотря на  все появляющиеся новинки такие, как телефоны и компьютерная техника, игрушка всё-таки остаётся неповторимой и незаменимой в своём роде. Ведь  так не учит и не развивает ребёнка, как игрушка, с которой он может общаться, играть и даже приобретать жизненный опыт.
Игрушка – это ключ к сознанию маленького человека. Чтобы развить и укрепить в нём положительные качества, сделать его психически здоровым, привить любовь окружающим, сформировать правильное понимание добра и зла, тщательно выбрать игрушку, помня, что она внесёт в его мир не только свой образ, но и поведение, атрибуты, а систему ценностей и мировоззрения. Невозможно воспитать полноценного человека с помощью игрушек негативной направленности.


Céges promóció 2021


céges promóció

1. Who’s that man?

2. James …… to play tomorrow.

3. Is there ...... the bottle?


5. Pauline’s ..... as the boys.

6. There isn’t …... at the bus stop.

7. What is Tom like? He ...... .

8. The sun came ...... the windows.

9. Whose is that? It's ...... .


11. His daughter is ...... .

12. John was …… the bus for ten minutes.

13. ...... to get married.

14. I’ll talk to Mary when ...... time.

15. ...… those newspapers have you read?

16. Have you ever been to Scotland? Yes, I ...… there last year.

17. Next year they are going to stay there ...... a week.

18. Please ask …... and see me.

19.  Your bicycle shouldn’t be in the house!

20. He often tells stories ...... .

21. She hardly ever eats ...... potatoes.

22. What’s up?

23. 100 competitors had ……. the race.

24. He was told to get off the bus because he couldn’t pay the ...... .

25. You must make them …... their homework.

26. He came to the party, …... he hadn’t been invited.

27. He was a good runner so he …... escape from the police.

28. ...... he earns, …... he spends.

29. I’m not used to ...… early.

30. How long did it take you to realise he was dishonest? I …... from the start.


New Placement Test Part 2

1. Could you have a look at one of the machines, please?

2. It’s large enough, but the location isn’t ideal and there’s no car park.

3. Friend: ’I’m going to the charity shop tomorrow. Have you got anything I can take?’
You: ...

4. You get your hair cut an awful lot.

5. Fancy another cake?

6. Since I ...... being teased by my friends, I don’t easily take offence.

7. I told my friends how to get to the theatre but perhaps I ...... them a map.

8. This new smartphone has been recommended as being very good quality and ...... reliable.

9. Before making a decision, the CEO considered all ...... of the argument.

10. I'm not suggesting you deliberately ...... to mislead us, just that you made a mistake.

11. ...... did we know about the living conditions in the remotest parts of the country.

12. The ...... is still out on whether we can offer the right advice through computers to people to make important life decisions.

13. When I realised that I had dropped my wallet, I decided to ...... my steps all the way to the vegetable stall.

14. Cather's novel has been made into a beautiful, ...... slow-paced, musical.

15. A recent report showed how older workers bear the ...... of economic recession.

Beware the unintended consequences of a robot revolution

Ask an economist or a technology expert and they will happily tell you that decades of data reliably show automation has created more jobs than it has destroyed.Far ...16... of us now work on farms, for example, thanks to super-efficient machines that do the bulk of the work. Such technology ...17... productivity and, with it, living standards. As a result, more people work in leisure industries such as ...18... or hairdressing, serving all those people with higher disposable incomes and more free time.

So far ...19.... And were the pattern to continue, the working week would eventually be cut, perhaps to just 15 hours.

The problem with this rose-tinted ...20... of automation, however, is its focus on big averages that take little account of individuals’ experiences. Sure, the number of job gains for the whole of the UK may well be higher than the number lost to technology. But that is little ...21... to someone who loses their job in a Midlands car plant to a robot and discovers most of the new openings are far afield in the coffee bars and hotels of London.

Nor do studies of what has gone before ...22... for the fact that the pace of technological change will probably be quicker in the future. Faster and more widespread technological changes in the future are ...23... to be easy to adapt to.

For governments, this imposes a pressing need to step in and ...24... the rise of the robots is not accompanied by a further rise in inequality. As tempting as it may be to pour money into boosting automation in return for the long-awaited boost to productivity and headline economic growth, doing so without having a clear plan for ...25... displaced workers would cause untold harm to millions of individuals.

The Guardian

16. ..........

17. ..........

18. ..........

19. ..........

20. ..........

21. ..........

22. ..........

23. ..........

24. ..........

25. ..........


Placement Test

1. Excuse me, can I sit here?

2. I don’t understand this word.

3. Do you live near here?

4. What kind of music do you like?

5. Where would you like to go tonight?

6. We often have fine weather ...... the summer in Devon.

7. I clean ...... twice a day; once in the morning and once before bed.

8. My friend didn’t study very much at school but her English is very .......

9. The temperature in Cornwall is usually ...... than in Lancashire.

10. There are ...... interesting places to visit around the London.

11. This thriller is really very ...... Would you like to see it?

12. The weather has been really good ...... we arrived at the sea.

13. Are you all right?...... I open the window for a few minutes?

14. Would you like ...... help you?

15. I haven’t been able to find my glasses ......

Oxford – The modern city

The largest industrial company in the 1830s, when it moved to .....16..... new building in Walton Street was Oxford University Press. The Press is .....17... important in the world of books, and it is internationally famous. It has offices in a large number of countries and publishes books in many languages.

Many people .....18..... in the city’s hospitals, and in scientific research. There are .....19..... of new but important businesses in the Oxford Science Park.

Oxfam is a charity that started in Oxford during the Second World War .....20..... people in Greece. These people were .....21..... because food could not get to them. After the war, the charity decided to help other people around the world who were hungry or homeless. At first, they sent food, clothes and other .....22..... things to foreign countries. Now they try to help the poor to help themselves. In Britain, nearly all of Oxfam’s money comes from ordinary British people and from the charity’s shops. Many of the people who work for Oxfam give .....23..... free time.

Nearly two million people visit Oxford each year, and these visitors need hotels, food and drink, and .....24..... facilities, so a lot of people work in the tourist industry.

Like other big cities, Oxford has problems with traffic and the shopping streets are often very .....25..... But these show that the city is alive – and working.

16. ..........

17. ..........

18. ..........

19. ..........

20. ..........

21. ..........

22. ..........

23. ..........

24. ..........

25. ..........

26. My printer isn’t working.

27. Let’s go to the new Chinese restaurant on Saturday.

28. Do you like my new trousers?

29. Are you coming to the pool at lunchtime?

30. Ben called in sick again today.

31. My teacher believes there’s no ...... thing as a useless debate – she thinks something interesting will always emerge.

32. Don’t forget to ...... your project when you email your teacher.

33. I won’t be able to do the homework ....... you don’t help me.

34. I’m sorry, I didn’t ...... to disturb you.

35. While we ...... for the bus to arrive, it started raining again.

36. Look how that dog is looking in our direction. It ......at us.

37. I worked all day yesterday. I only stopped ...... a cup of tea for five minutes.

38. Everyone blamed me ...... the mistake, even though it wasn’t my fault.

39. Do you remember what time the plane took ......?

40. You needn’t have ...... on a jacket and tie. It was an informal event.

Careers in journalism: Becoming a foreign correspondent

So, you want to be a foreign correspondent. Unfortunately ...41... lots of other journalists. Many see it as their free passport to travel ...42... and wide. As the world gets smaller, the competition for working overseas gets ...43.... But if you remain undaunted you could be able to wangle your way into reporting on the latest crisis.

Some journalists say that they want to be foreign correspondents ’while they can’. After a few years of work, they reason, they can ...44... down to a comfortable job and cover less adventurous stories at home. But 45... you decide to go, here are some skills and talents you’ll need:

Independence and chutzpah

...46... newspaper editor will send a reporter who needs a lot of direction and management while reporting to their boss half a world away. You’ll need plenty of self-confidence and be prepared sometimes to 47... some rules.

Be the best

Many journalists can report well but foreign correspondents also need to be great writers. You have to be able to convey the scene of war to ...48... in less than 1000 words – with bombs and bullets ...49... around you. Every word you write will need to bring ...50... to readers what’s really happening with objective honesty and integrity.

41. ..........

42. ..........

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45. ..........

46. .........

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49. ..........

50. ..........
